Quickest in shakedown, how was the Fiesta Seb?
SO: It’s very hard to judge right now. I’ve had so little time in the car, but this is a good start today. We cannot make any conclusions from this shakedown its very evolving conditions. There’s some saving tyres for the rally as well as some different tyre choices. I feel not complete ready, with only two days testing, but I am ready to make the best. The rally is going to be difficult, it’s very slippery with a lot of tricky conditions. A lot can happen. But the tyre choice looks predictable, now we have stay on the road
Is it going to be the trickiest Monte ever?
SO: The Monte is most of the time tricky, but this will be one of the trickiest; I am used to it. Tyre choice is pretty clear. In some places we will have full ice and snow and on some there is tarmac. The tyre choice is somehow easier.
So you won’t need a call from your dad?
SO: No hopefully I don’t need a call from him to tell me I’m wrong!