Before proceeding to the online registration page, we invite you to take note of the following information.
For the International press (journalists and photographers), please submit your request directly to the FIA by clicking on the following link:
TV and radio as well as commercial photographers (those photographers who supply only commercial entities and do not supply any form of media outlet) must send their accreditation application to the commercial rights holder:
Formula One Management Ltd,
Suzanne Simmonds and Sheila Pattni: [email protected] / [email protected]
The registration form below is only reserved for the National press (Monaco Medias)
Online form:
Once you have registered, you will still have access to this platform, as well as to the mailbox. Here you will be able to change your details. The mailbox icon will appear in the top right-hand corner when the registration process is complete. Access to your personal space is valid with your email address and for one request only.
Tip : to make your connection easier, remember to save the registration link to your favorites.
Closing dates for registration : Sunday 27 April 2025